Canine Team Training

Located in Southern Illinois  -

Dog Agility, Nose/Scent Work & Obedience Training

Only Positive Training Methods Used!

Instructor - Carol Ely

Over 19 years of Professional Dog Training.

Welcome! Use the links below for additional information

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Detection Dog Trials Judge Detection Dog Trials Host

AKC ACT & CGC Evaluator

AKC Scent Work Judge


Dog Agility Classes

See link above for more Information

New ** Nose Work Classes

see Above Link

Current Video -

Agility Training - Location in De Soto, IL



Abby with ribbon collection, Abby Double Q Weekend

   Mr. B & Annie Agility Ribbons

Nose/Scent Work


Annie and Mr. B with wins & title Ribbons in Scent Work

  Abby Elite Elements NACSW     Annie Elite NACSW

Dog Obedience Classes  -

Offered through

John A Logan College, Continuing Education


See links above for more Information


Obedience Show at McCormick in Chicago, IL


Rally Trial at McCormick, Chicago, IL

Check links above to Pages that have more information or email

Home / Obedience / Agility / Scent-NoseWork Info / Student_Info / Seminar/Demos / Resources / Videos & Links / My Dogs / Recipes / About / Rescued Dogs

  © 2010-to current Year, Carol Ely, Canine Team Training

All Drawings, photos and information requires permission to use.